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Kids Playing Treasure Hunt

Pay by Month

-  Pay your deposit

-  Make monthly payments to  complete the rest of your tuition dues!

-  You will receive a PayPal invoice once a month or subscribe to auto-pay.

Teenagers in Library

Pay by Semester

-  Pay your deposit

-  Make two payments to  complete the rest of your tuition dues! One in August and one in January.

-  You will receive a PayPal invoice twice a year.

Female Student

By the Entire Year

-  Pay your deposit now

-  Pay the entire tuition in one installment in August.

- You will receive a PayPal invoice at the beginning of the school year. 

Is the deposit refundable?   The deposit is non-refundable.


What are my payment options?   You can either subscribe to auto-billing using the PayPal button below. You can also receive invoices each month. Monthly payments are made via PayPal. However, I can take semester or annual payments via Zelle, Venmo, or check. 




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